
at the Speed of Commerce

A new paradigm for internal imaging

Today, human-paced systems inspect only a fraction of packages and bags. Spectrohm has a new model—100% insight at automation speeds. Our unique technology offers safe, accurate, high-speed inspection and material identification for a wide range of markets and applications.

Spectrohm is Exhibiting at ISC West 2025!

March 31–April 4, 2025
The Venetian Expo, Las Vegas, Booth 33109

Spectrohm excited to be exhibiting at ISC West 2025, the security industry’s premier international tradeshow. The Spectrohm team will be on hand to discuss your security challenges and present our latest screening and imaging solutions.

Come see us and learn how Spectrohm’s innovative products like CheckStream and CargoStream are providing Insight at the Speed of Commerce!

Spectrohm Identifies What’s Inside—Without Slowing You Down

Spectrohm has developed technology that can simultaneously image inside an object and also identify what it’s made of while it moves on a high-speed conveyor, making comprehensive inspection at the speed of commerce a reality.

Learn more about the innovative technology at the heart of our startup that powers safe, cost-effective, and autonomous inspection.

What Sets Spectrohm Apart?

Screen Everything

Spectrohm’s unique technology makes the dream of high-speed autonomous threat identification a reality. It overcomes the barriers that have prevented 100% inspection and identification in high-volume environments and dramatically reduces delays in secondary inspection by “high-grading” items most likely to contain threats or other problems.

High Speed Means Lower Costs

Spectrohm’s devices can scan at up to 3m/s, keeping pace with the high speeds of automated commerce. By scanning more conveyances per unit, Spectrohm can drive down per-unit scanning costs.

Safe Radio Waves Make Deployment Easy

Spectrohm generates images with no dangerous radiation—just radio waves with less energy than a cell phone call. Our systems are easy to deploy: they have wheels, and do not require the heavy shielding or specialized power of X-ray equipment. And our non-ionizing radio waves do not require a human X-ray operator to ensure radiation safety.

Rich Data Empowers AI

Machine vision is only as good as the data powering it. Spectrohm supercharges AI because its radio wave technology not only images the shape of what’s inside—it can also identify what the shape is made of. It’s the difference between just detecting a bottle of liquid or knowing whether it’s milk, gasoline, or water.