
Inspect and Identify Threats—at the Speed of Commerce

CargoStream is Spectrohm’s system for packages. These belt-fed systems make comprehensive inspection at speed and scale a reality for applications like mail and package screening, cargo inspection, and commercial or industrial inspection.

CargoStream is enabling new levels of performance and safety for inspection.

CargoStream provides high-throughput, high-speed content visibility for non-intrusive inspection for:

  • Threats and contraband detection
  • Item count
  • Leaking containers
  • Empty containers
  • Content verification
  • Fraud detection

Fast. Delivers results in real time.

Smart. Identifies and weighs materials. Reads labels and barcodes. Seamlessly integrates with automation.

Compact. Mobile or in-line. Smaller footprint than X-ray systems.

Safe. Low-power radio waves. No X-ray regulatory or safety issues.

Use Cases & Applications

CargoStream helps eliminate human-centric and labor intensive inspection processes, while reducing costs and the bottlenecks. The system makes comprehensive inspection at speed and scale a reality for a wide range of markets and applications.

Mail Screening
Mail and Package Screening
Cargo Inspection in Warehouse
Cargo Inspection
Commercial and Industrial
Commercial and Industrial

Pilot Program

Spectrohm is seeking venues and security experts to pilot this unique technology.